

大きなマシュマロ入りの甘いホットチョコレートで有名な「ザ・シティ・ベーカリー」(The City Bakery)のユニオンスクエア店が、閉鎖の危機にある。シェフ兼オーナーのモーリー・ルービン(Maury Rubin)氏が10日、インスタグラムで明かした。


理由について、シティ・ベーカリーの客足の好調を強調する一方、姉妹店「バードバス・ネイバーフッド・グリーン・ベーカリー」(Birdbath Green Bakery)の展開で「ミスを犯した。コストが高かった」と説明。財政苦境の解消のために、経済支援元を探しているが見つからず「借金が多すぎる。泥沼だ」と苦しさを明かした。加えて「人々は家賃が最終的にニューヨークの小売の首をしめていると思っているが、数年前に通常の銀行ローンをシティ・ベーカリーが得ることができたなら、今日のような危機に瀕することはなかった」と銀行融資が得られない状況についても語った。

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PART ONE [1/2] Time has come to share a painful truth: City Bakery is about to go through major changes. There's a long version and a short version. Suffice to say for now: we won't be staying in our current location. We may move. We may cater only. We may wholesale only. We may transform and partner with another food company in the city. There is also a strong possibility we will close entirely, and soon. I know people who have been into the bakery recently will be shocked. At the moment, we are busy, busy like we've been since our early days. Union Square has filled in with a zillion food options, and still we are busy. We're busy at breakfast, and lines at lunch. Tables are filled with friends catching up, writers writing, job interviews, pitch meetings, first dates, moms with strollers and tourists – lots of tourists – getting their first taste of City Bakery Hot Chocolate or a Pretzel Croissant. The food business is not what it seems, just ask anyone on the inside with enough experience to know. Standing in the center of City Bakery at lunchtime, watching New Yorkers and the fabulous energy of the room, it's hard to imagine anything other than great riches. The greater truth is that City Bakery, an established NYC food destination, is still a small company and has never been far enough away from being vulnerable. Years ago we began a second bakery concept, Birdbath Green Bakery. A little sister to City Bakery. Birdbath was embraced and grew from Tribeca to Soho to the UWS, but then we had some misses, and the cost was high. We unwound Birdbath to focus on City Bakery. We've sought new partners and financial support that hasn’t been found. We've believed our profitable track record, range of new opportunities and value in the community would be part of a solution. Not so …

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シティ・ベーカリーは1990年、ユニオンスクエア店(3 W 18th St)を開業し、まもなく29周年目を迎える。チョコレート・チップクッキーや、プレッツェル・クロワッサン、毎年2月に開催する「ホット・チョコレート・フェスティバル」などで知られる。HBOの人気ドラマ『セックス・アンド・ザ・シティ』(SATC)にもロケ地として使用された。